
Types Of Student In Every Classroom

Written by Muhammad Arslan

The Highest Achiever

This one person is not only teacher’s pet but is enemy of all those daydreamers who prefer submitting their assignment just at the deadline or even later. This Maximum will not only point out the teacher’s mistake but will love to over participate and shine out all the time. Will remember all the quiz dates and will not sit peacefully until the professor announces the test results. While every student will seek forgiveness in that hour of announcements of the results, he will emphasize on saying the numbers out loud instead of the names.

The Not So Funny Guy

Then comes this category of boys especially who love to crack jokes and love to break the silence of class. They expect everyone to laugh at their jokes but if nobody does, they still are never ashamed and carry their joke further.

The Sleeping Beauty

Not only will this person sleep peacefully in the class but also knows the art how to dodge the teacher and not let anybody know that you are asleep. Some of them can sleep with their eyes wide open.

The Question Mark

Despite the fact, whatever topic is going on in the classroom, this person will dig out a question totally irrelevant, highly hypothetical and scientifically distorted. Just to make sure that the professor fails to answer it, in another case this is the technique used to kill the time.

This One Comes From Mars

This student will enter the class, in a complete deserted situation which shows he has come straight from the bed. Clumsiness at its peak, dropping things and tripping here and there, and last but not the last has only one question ‘ Oh no! was that due for today?!?!?’

If there is any category you think we have missed, do share with us in the comments below.

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