About 20 percent of Pakistani husband think that wives with school going children should work outside the home. Only 10 percent of Iranian husband approves of mothers working if school going children live at home. Every other Pakistani wife and every third Iranian wife with school going children has a job outside her home. If the above statement is correct, which of the following must be true?
Everything that the king knows necessarily is, because even what we ourselves know necessarily is; and, Of course, our knowledge is not as certain as King's knowledge is However, no future contingent thing statement which naturally follow from the above.
Everything that a person does, which is dictated because of ignorance is not voluntary. Involuntary actions are those, which produce pain and repentance. In case a man has done something in his ignorance and he does not feel vexed due to his action, he has not acted voluntarily as he was not aware of what he was doing, nor yet involuntarily since he is not pained. After reading this passage we can arrive at the conclusion that:
Professor Taimoor told his class that teacher’s evaluation by students is not a valid measure of teaching quality. For this evaluation, students should fill out questionnaires at the end of the course. Which of the following, if true, supports professor Taimoors suggestion.?
Some critics are of the opinion that the intrinsic qualities of photography depend on criticism and hence it is a matter of opinion. It is rather odd, though, that in a legal connection, serious critics themselves quite often behave as if they believed criticism to be a matter of opinion. Why be a critic - and teach in universities - in case criticism involves nothing but uttering capricious and arbitrary opinions? In the above argument the author is trying to convince that;
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