Maths Online Quizzes Subject Knowledge

Mathematics Quiz 10

Written by Muhammad Arslan

√(10^3) + √(10^5) =

Simplify the expression with radicals : 5 √x + 6 √(9x) - 10 √(16x)

Simplify the expression and rewrite it without radicals : √8 √3 √6

2 √3 + 4 √12 + 3 √48 =

Simplify the expression : 2 √(x + 1) + 3 √(16x + 16)

Simplify the expression with radicals : - 2 √(16y) + 10 √y

Simplify the expression : √27 - √300

Simplify the expression and rewrite it without radicals : (√3 + √12) / (√3 - √12))

2 √27 + 2 √75 =

Simplify the expression with radicals : 2 √50 + 12 √8

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