Sentence Completion Quizzes Verbal Reasoning

Sentence Completion Quiz 10

Written by Muhammad Arslan

During his routine, the stand-up comic refused to be shaken by the heckler who ______ him every few minutes.

The house was consumed in flames and not a ______ of it remained after the fire

After her extended illness, Delia experienced a long period of ______ when she did not want to work, exercise, or clean.

The legal internship program was developed under the ______ of the district attorney’s office.

Going away for spring break was not in the ______ of possibility, since neither Helga nor Olga had any money.

The budding flowers, warm breezes, and birth of young animals suggest the much-welcomed ______ atmosphere in the country after a long, hard winter.

Floyd has a distinctive ______ to his voice—easily recognizable over the phone.

Oscar ______ his sister not to tell their mother what he had done, for he knew his punishment would be severe.

Since she had not exercised in five years, Margarita attempt to jog five miles on her first day of cardio-training was a little ______.

The old bridge’s steel ______ were rusty and in need of repair.

_____ were in order as James performed brilliantly on stage in his first role as an understudy.

The Boston Tea Party happened because the Americans believed the British tea taxes were ______ the rights of the colonists.

The children were ______ for eating the whole batch of cookies before dinner.

David felt as if the family picnic would be a(n) ______ time to talk with his grandmother about her plans for the holidays

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