Sufi Planet

The real message of Sufism

Written by Muhammad Arslan

Some people misunderstand the real message of Sufism. They believe that Sufism leads to a world of laziness and teaches us to do nothing or stay in the condition of meditation(Moraaqbaa) or just stay in the condition of isolation,whereas it is not actually the case.

Idries Shah says,
“This impression may be reinforced if one approaches Sufism as a system of abstract ideas,but when encountered in real life,the Sufi way turns our to be a body of practical wisdom or knowledge employed by people to live harmoniously with one another,with in their natural environment and the world beyond.In contrast to the monolithic and doctrinaire projection of orthodox Islam the Sufi tradition exists in a rich variety of real life expressions blended with local cultures and their semiotics,imagery and symbolism.The way of the Sufi can be understood by looking at how it is articulated within a specific culture,country and climate.”

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