Sentence Completion Quiz 09

When the company reached it’s ______ of hiring one hundred college graduates, they proceeded to recruit older, more experienced candidates.

The tenor’s ______ voice filled the concert hall.

In his later years, the once wildly successful gambler lost his fortune, and became a homeless ______ on the streets of Las Vegas.

Despite enthusiastic efforts from the supporting cast, the critics agreed the star of the play gave a ______ performance, ruining the chance of lucrative box office sales.

Julia’s parents gave her one ______ regarding her new job: It could not interfere with her schoolwork.

The ______ of the successful product idea was attributed to the extraordinarily creative company president.

Sally had planted the seeds in the greenhouse three weeks ago; they would begin to ______ any day now.

Luanne experiences serious ______ whenever she climbs several flights of steep stairs.

______ animals are able to survive easily in the wilderness because, for example, they can live on berries or insects.

After the fire, there were ashes in every ______ of the old farmhouse.

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