
Things you must do before an exam [IMPORTANT]

Written by Muhammad Arslan


Worried? Anxious? Tensed? We understand it all. All the tensed atmosphere during those exams period are all old stories, so to just release pressure off your tiny shoulders we have got some exam tips for you. Things you must do before going for an examination.

  1. Make sure all your examination documents eg roll number slip, entrance card, ID card all are at one place and ready to be picked up in the morning.
  2. Check your stationary, keep some extra as well.
  3. Make sure about your exam location and if you haven’t been there before, go one day earlier to check it’s exact location. As getting late for an exam is not an option.
  4. Revise only what you already know, don’t go for new things that would not only confuse you bit you’ll lose your confidence over what you know.
  5. Don’t believe on any rumours like question paper being leaked.
  6. Sleep well and have a healthy breakfast to avoid headache, hunger pangs etc. Keep some candies with you just in case your sugar level goes down.
  7. Listen to invigilator well and clear any doubts like is calculator allowed beforehand.
  8. Revise well and don’t go for class notes rather read your own notes.
  9. A day before exam solve a complete question paper, take any sample paper and start solving it using only time allowed to solve that particular paper. This would manage your time and will give you an idea of whether you need to quicken your space or not.
  10. Finally read lots of duas and recite Quran before leaving your house that would open your mind. Try it if you don’t believe.

Here are some tips on things you must do before going for an exam, don’t panic. Everyone goes through this time and trust me you have all the abilities to ace it. Be confident, work hard and success is all yours.



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